People often describe wine as “Old world” and “New world” but what does this really mean?
New world refers to North and South America as well as Australia. Old world refers to Europe.
Aside from geography, what it really comes down to is winemaking traditions and flavor profiles. Though these are not hard rules, here some of the most common characteristics.
In terms of taste, new world wines tend to be fuller in body, higher alcohol, lower acidity, and more pronounced fruit notes.
Old world wine tends to have lighter body, lower alcohol, higher acidity and more minerality.
This month we are bringing you a mix. An oak aged Sauvignon Blanc from Sonoma’s Korbin Kameron, a rosé from Spain, and a white blend from the Loire Valley in France. We balance our reds with a Pinot Noir from Monterey County, red blend from Mendocino and a native Croatian red, Plavac Mali!
If you are coming to the pick-up party this will be a fun line up to taste side by side, as I think it has some good examples of both new and old world wine characteristics.
As a club member you get a complimentary tasting of the current months wines if you attend the pick-up party. Each membership includes ONE complimentary tasting. Additional tastings are $18/pp.
You are welcome to bring guests. We are trying to grow the club and we appreciate you talking us up.
This month’s menu includes…. sausage stuffed mushrooms, chicken wings, bacon wrapped dates and more!
5-9pm, First Friday of every month.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
🧡 Marin